
5/14(二)風神的鼓手-台非融合創作音樂會 Taiwan-Africa Collaborative Fusion Concert


The Taiwan-Africa Collaborative Fusion Concert integrates several albums from the band SIBONGIE and new original songs. In addition to singing, there will be rich traditional African drumming percussion and lively African dances throughout the venue, along with extensive interaction to bring the audience closer to the performers. The concert not only showcases the exotic charm of Africa but also integrates the 20 years of local cultivation by SIBONGIE, singing in Taiwanese to express a spiritual connection and reflection on their own land and the land of Africa. It allows the audience to feel the passionate charm of live performances and shares SIBONGIE's positive outlook and love for life through their songs.

Please register online at the Library's intelligent registration system first.
2.線上報名成功後,5/1(三)~5/10(五),週一至週五 9:00-17:00 (不含國定假日)開放取票,5/10(五)17:00截止取票。
The period of Collection of tickets : Starting from May 1st, Wensday until May 10th, Friday, open from Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00 (excluding national holidays).
The location of Collection of tickets :
Arts and Culture Office on the 1st floor of the library (next to the dining room).
For ticket collection on behalf of someone else, please show the "Successful Registration Confirmation" screenshot and provide the registration account details of the registration system for registration purposes.
(Students ➡️ Student ID ; Faculty and Staff ➡️ Employee ID ; External Readers ➡️ registered email)
▹觀眾入場注意事項 Audience Entry Instructions:
1. 本場演出將於5/14(二)18:20~18:45開放持票觀眾優先入場。
For this performance, ticket holders will have priority entry from 18:20 to 18:45 on May 14th (Tue).
2. 18:45後開放現場排隊觀眾入場。
After 18:45, entry will be open for lining up audience.
🗓️活動時間: 2024.05.14(二) 19:00~20:00(18:20開放觀眾入場)
 Time:May 14th, Tuesday, 19:00~20:00
📍活動地點: 學生活動中心演藝廳
  Location:The Auditorium in the CCU Activity Center